The Fri-El group is one of the leading Italian producers of electricity from renewable sources (wind, biomass, and biogas). Through Fri-El Green House, the group has invested in the construction of state-of-the-art greenhouses.

Fri-El believes in the value of people and their differences and wants to ensure equal opportunities for professional growth for all individuals in the company, formally committing to promoting a management policy that focuses on diversity, gender equality (all genders), female empowerment, and equal opportunities. Therefore, we have developed an organizational context that values and protects diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace.



The management system, concerning the presence and professional growth of women, refers to the following areas of indicators provided by the measure and “renamed” for the sake of synthesis:


  1. Culture and strategy
  2. Governance
  3. HR processes
  4. Opportunities
  5. Pay equity
  6. Parenthood


The achievement of this purpose is identifiable in our corporate policy aimed at:

  • Disseminating the culture of diversity and equal opportunities among employees and collaborators, ensuring that everyone is treated at all times with dignity, respect, and fairness.
  • Creating a welcoming work environment, free from any direct or indirect discrimination and any type of harmful behavior based on gender diversity.
  • Regularly monitoring gender equality indicators to define the most appropriate, timely, and effective actions to achieve the objectives set forth in this document.
  • Implementing specific personnel management policies aimed at ensuring equity in all phases of the employment relationship, from the selection process, to role assignment, career management, performance evaluation and professional development, pay equity, to the resolution of the employment relationship.
  • Implementing internal and external communication policies aimed at pursuing gender equality, valuing diversity, and supporting female empowerment.
  • Recognizing the value of work-life balance by developing programs and initiatives for parenthood and care, and for the reconciliation of work-life balance.
  • Applying strict policies for the prevention of all forms of physical, verbal, digital abuse (harassment) in the workplace.


In this regard:

  • An ACTION PLAN for the implementation of this policy within a gender equality management system is defined and monitored: progress and results are monitored through the preparation of specific KPIs.
  • A GUIDANCE COMMITTEE for gender equality is established to ensure the effective adoption and continuous and effective application of the gender equality policy.


This policy is communicated and disseminated within the organization and among all individuals who have relationships with Fri-El, in terms of transparency and collaboration.

The dissemination takes place by posting the policy on company notice boards and through the company app, which provides personal transmission of the document to each worker.